Tag: Html5 (2 results)

  • Make a Game with ImpactJS Tutorial

    While doing research in game development using HTML5, ImpactJS is a framework that is mentioned as being the best to date for making HTML5 games.  The great thing is that you can port over HTML5 to mobile platforms using AppMobi, PhoneGap, or Ejecta.  You will also learn Node.js and Socket.io in the tutorials. Here is an extended tutorial for beginners:… read more

  • Scale HTML5 Video to Fit Screen

    With the recent updates of browsers supporting web more W3C standards, it is easier to embed HTML5 videos than before, although you still have to provide your video in multiple codecs such as webm, ogg, and mp4. The thing is you still have to use javascript to control the video’s functionality. So here’s the simplest way to make your HTML5… read more

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I'm a front end engineer with 9 years of experience making web apps more engaging. Contact me via LinkedIn Profile

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