Necessary Strategic Sales Objectives You Need To Know

When thinking about commerce the World Can Be Flat such as the book by Thomas Friedman.  However in sales I recommend starting to reach out for prospects locally than reach further out.  I say this because it’s likely you believe “word of mouth” is the best type of marketing.   It’s is the social proof that people follow.

Newspapers and media are the second most powerful driver of commerce at the local level.  Even though tactics work to makes sales by numbers, you as the producer will want to focus on strategy.  This is long-term thinking but if you are the “sell-and-bail” type forget about strategy.  The majority of people also think in the present for that quick and easy satisfaction.  Remember that you create rapport and loyalty with strategy which increases your customer retention.

Here are the objectives that will spell success in your sales methods, cold calls, and marketing.  Focus on them step-by-step like a relationship without jumping to the conclusion.

  1. Make it easier to get appointments by means of educating the prospect and sharing vital information exclusive to their market.
  2. Enable yourself to get in the door and meet almost anyone. This can be done without lying, but rather being vague and persistent with the gatekeepers.
  3. Educate yourself in your current market with enough information which will establish you as the subject matter expert.  Be the maven!
  4. Begin your pitches with the problem supported by real data and cold hard facts to build your credibility.
  5. Bring and show your value without bragging.  Doing this overtime will build your brand loyalty and trust.
  6. After achieving all the previous steps your prospects will naturally be inclined to return the value.  People tend to reciprocate after receiving value.  (The ones that don’t are usually bad people or will take advantage of you.)
  7. It takes time and commitment to develop your presence.  Some people believe it’s a “numbers game” and others just keep on trucking.

When doing research and gathering your information about the market you’ll want to consider how you present the data.  In the next post, I’ll describe Product Data Vs Market Data.