Category: Code (19 results)

  • Automatically Write a Changelog to a Github Repo

    A software project may undergo a lot of changes during its life cycle. Each change might be a bug fix, a new feature or deprecation of existing features. All these changes made to a project must be logged somewhere for future reference. A project changelog is documentation that maintains a record of all such changes made to a software project.… read more

  • Upcoming Changes in jQuery 3

    jQuery has been going strong and steady but is no longer as popular as it used to be. It’s still good for beginners to use but there are many alternatives nowadays. One major change in jQuery v2 was the removal of IE8 support and now we’re about to have version 3.0 Before 3.0, version 2.2 was released February 22, 2016 which… read more

  • New Directives in AngularJS 1.3

    In October 2013, AngularJS officially released version 1.3 and on top of that are discussions about significant changes in version 2,  which is a long way from production-ready so don’t even look into it.  I’m sure it will change several times considering that the feedback has been negative.  However 1.3 has a lot of positives which includes performance improvements, removed support for IE8,… read more

  • Express.js vs Sails.js Comparison

    This is an overview comparing Node.JS frameworks including Express, Sails, HAPI and Lazo.js. Express is clearly the most popular currently version 4 at the time of this writing.   The next framework gaining popularity is Sails currently at version 0.10 with 124 code contributors since its inception in 2012.  Sails is not an independent framework on its own, because it uses… read more

  • Developing Responsive Web Applications with AJAX and jQuery Review

    Book available for puchase at You can develop web applications in so many ways and this book teaches you how with the most popular front-end library, jQuery and AJAX. Initially I was excited to find out if it’s possible to build a responsive web application only with jQuery and Ajax, but you still need a back-end. In this case,… read more

  • Building an Application with CoffeeScript Review

    The intro of the video course states “familiarize yourself with CoffeeScript” and I did (course link  The other list items of learning in the description are also fairly accurate.  The “cake” built tool was demonstrated, using jQuery with coffeescript was demonstrated, built a simple framework was also demonstrated.  The inaccurate part of the description is the “Who is this… read more

  • 1 Hour Crash Course in AngularJS

    Have you thought about learning AngularJS, but find all the examples just too basic? I did too!  I spent an entire week (full-time) during my vacation to break open AngularJS and see what’s possible.   What I came up with as a demo is a quiz where you can type in questions and answers, then play the questions one at a… read more

  • Top 5 Sublime Text Shortcuts

    Top 5 Shortcuts That Will Boost Your Coding Productivity Are you new to the sublime text editor?  It’s really more powerful than it looks.   While it’s easy navigation with mouse and keyboard all the powerful tools are quickly accessible with a few shortcuts.  VIM users will likely stick to VIM after the steep learning curve of the abundance of keyboard… read more

  • Make a Game with ImpactJS Tutorial

    While doing research in game development using HTML5, ImpactJS is a framework that is mentioned as being the best to date for making HTML5 games.  The great thing is that you can port over HTML5 to mobile platforms using AppMobi, PhoneGap, or Ejecta.  You will also learn Node.js and in the tutorials. Here is an extended tutorial for beginners:… read more

  • Scale HTML5 Video to Fit Screen

    With the recent updates of browsers supporting web more W3C standards, it is easier to embed HTML5 videos than before, although you still have to provide your video in multiple codecs such as webm, ogg, and mp4. The thing is you still have to use javascript to control the video’s functionality. So here’s the simplest way to make your HTML5… read more

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I'm a front end engineer with 9 years of experience making web apps more engaging. Contact me via LinkedIn Profile

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